I am a joint postdoc at UC Berkeley & Caltech, working with Prof. Jennifer Chayes, Prof. Christian Borgs, and Prof. Anima Anandkumar.

I got my CS Ph.D. degree with at Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute (AKA Mila) and Université de Montréal, advised by Prof. Jian Tang. Meanwhile, I have close collaboration with Prof. Hongyu Guo.

I got my CS master’s degree from University of Wisconsin-Madison, and was the graduate researcher at Morgridge Institute for Research. During my stay in UW-Madison, I started my first research project and was fortunately advised by Prof. Anthony Gitter, Prof. Yingyu Liang, and Prof. Dimitris Papailiopoulos. Proir to that, I got my bachelor’s degree from Shandong University.

E-Mail: shengchao1224 at gmail dot com

I also want to share some inspiring research values (special thanks to Weiyang)

Research Topics

Selected Publications

Molecular Dynamics and Learning Dynamics

LLM for Molecule Design

Transfer Learning

Representation Learning
